miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Esto me ha llamado la atención.

No se si se trata de una frikada más o si es realmente efectivo, la verdad es que estos tipos tienen productos típicamente yankis, pero muy interesantes.

Os pego la descripción del producto, a ver que os parece.

Swing Arm Stabilizer

Swing arm stabilizer for P200: The best handling modification you can add! It doesn't matter how good your shocks are, if your swing arm is twisting when you turn. If your rear wheel dose not track after the front wheel then the scooter will give you a wobble feedback. This is why many motorcycle riders say the scooters feel like a death trap.

Take a look at most modern super bikes’ swing arm and you will see what the factory has gone through to minimize the twisting affects of cornering. The stabilizers increase the vibration slightly but the benefits far out weight any side effect.

A specially machined Nloc. nut is provided with the kit, replacing the old nut and washer. This allows you to adjust the amount of tension, allowing for a variable rigidity.

Personally, I run maximum tension on my yellow and black cut-down, allowing me to execute dive bomb turns. This product allows you to have as much rigidity in a Vespa as you can get out of a Lambretta.


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